
Does the loch ness monster actually exist???

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does it??




  1. yes

  2. Yes. I know because he's my pet. We call him Herman.

  3. yes i wrestle it every mornin tryin to pee

  4. No

    The best reason why, is that no animal that big has anywhere near enough food to survive in that small lake. Let alone a whole species that has lived and has reproduced with a whole species for millions of years.

    There are many other arguments based on refuting the "sightings", but the food supply is the most definitive.Imagine someone suggesting some fish have lived in a swimming pool for millions of years. It doesnt matter if they can be found or not, there would never be enough food for such a huge animal to exist in a pool.

  5. Yes, Nessie does exist, she is hiding, she knows humans will exploit her. .

  6. of course !  

  7. It has never been proved so i guess it is what you believe in. I believe the loch ness monster really does exist.  

  8. nope it dont cha think the would have cought it just photos of a bunch of junk crammed together in the water  

  9. im sure at one point in time it did but, i dont think its still here

  10. lets all go to scotland together and investigate as a team =)

  11. no

  12. yes,  check out of place art.

  13.'s debatable. Scientists have found ivedence of something REALLY big living in the Loch and have taken pictures of fins. But there are a lot of people that have faked pictures which doesn't really help you beleive in 'Nessie'. I think for a lot of people it's kind of a 'see to beleive' thing.

  14. I don't think so.

  15. here's a pretty cool website where you can watch a streaming video of the lake nessy's suppose to be in.

  16. in busch gardens, Williamsburg

  17. Yes.I think so. I think the story is soooo cool!

  18. no,of course not and for people that have actually see probably saw blurry pictures of it on Google.And the Loch Ness monster turned out to be an elephant's trunk from and elephant that was swimming in the lake,there was no such thing as the loch ness monster in the first place

  19. Yepp she's right here with me...

    She says whats up

  20. Didn't they find big foot too... ;-)

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