
Does the long term effect of stress make you uglier?

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Does the long term effect of stress make you uglier?




  1. well it can't change your facial features.  For example, if you're stressed, you won't suddenly get a huge nose or something, but it can make your skin lose luster and you can age faster.  I suggest breathing in therapeutic oils like lavender and chamomile, and drink tea with antioxidants, to remove the toxins from your body.  Stress is unavoidable, but you can do things to help reduce the damage it inflicts on your body.  Whatever you do, try not to stress out ABOUT stressing out!  Good luck =)

  2. Yes.

    just look at george w bush's mum (she looks like she was hit with the ugly stick at least a dozen times)

    george Snr must have been wearing a blindfold when they were making george Jnr

  3. Yes, it makes you ugly inside and out.  Getting rid of stress and negativity makes you healthier looking and physically feeling better!

  4. Hi there,

    There are three things you can do to reduce stress in your life.

    1)  Remove the things that stress you

    2)  Reduce the effect the things that stress you have on you

    3)  Change the way you feel about the things that stress you so you aren't stressed by them any more

    These are relatively simple to do - the first can involve some significant life changes.  The others involve some introspection and thinking about who and what you are - which can be hard work for some people.

    Write out a list of everything that stresses you and then notice over a course of a month or so what other triggers there are in your life.

    Then sit down and work out a plan about how to get rid of or reduce these stress triggers.

    If your relationship is stressing you then you need to talk to your partner or even walk away if it is that bad.  If your finances are stressing you then you need to sort them out - reduce your spending, consolidate your debt or earn more money.

    You have complete control over your life and whatever is causing you stress you need to change.  Stress really can kill you - it increases your likelihood of heart attack, stroke and a whole host of potential problems.

    Take control of your life and get rid of the sources of stress in your life.

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