
Does the mail work on sundays?

by  |  earlier

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I ordered a sidekick this thursday and the lady sai it will take three days does that mean sunday or monday cuz idk if they work on monday do they ?




  1. no the mail does not work on sundays


  3. She may have meant 3 "business" days (so you don't count Saturday or Sunday.)  Therefore, it could be Tuesday before you get your package.

    The mail does not run on Sunday.

  4. The only type of mail that is delivered on Sunday is express mail.  Used to be in all cities but now I believe it is only in select cities.  

    Priority mail is 2 to 3 days, not including Sunday.

    Mail is processed 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  

    Delivery is Mon - Sat.

    If your package is shipped via U.S. Mail than you will likely receive your package with normal mail delivery on Monday.

    Nay, you are incorrect about barely running on Saturday.

    The front counter is only open half day, but carriers are out until routes are delivered.  Some not returning to the office until after 5pm.

  5. they don't deliver however they do have workers there sorting

  6. no. usually you can't get things shipped to you on sundays only business days but there's an option where you can pay extra to get whatever you ordered sooner.

  7. Um...where are you from?  Because everybody knows that the mail doesn't run on Sundays.  They barely run on Saturdays...its only like a half of day they do the mail or something like that.  But any hows NO mail on Sundays.

  8. no never mail never comes on sunday but it comes monday thru saturday

  9. I don't know about anybody here but I sometimes get mail on Saturday and once I had my Sony Ericsson phone shipped to me by DHL and it came on Sunday, but most mail doesn't get delivered on Sundays.

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