
Does the mean spirited and malicious mud slinging about Palin's daughter help the left?

by Guest33811  |  earlier

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Who out there can say that at 17 they had not had s*x? Not many of us. Suddenly the left gets holier than thou. Is it because they want the baby aborted? Oh, I forgot, that is none of their business and it is up to the mother. So? What's it all about, if not just losing votes for Obama?




  1. I've seen nothing mean spirited and malicious (save for the details to this question). What I see is people bringing up the fact that this woman is a champion of morality and failed to pass it on to her daughter. People are pointing out the irony, if you will. Her 17 year old daughter is going to marry the boy who got her pregnant, but that doesn't change the fact that she had s*x before marriage and failed to use protection. That's it. Abstinence only and the moral high ground did not seem to work too well in this situation.

  2. This what they do.  They maintain their power base by gov't give-a-ways, thereby maintaining their power base, the poor.  If you work hard, and achieve the American Dream, you are to be punished to death by taxes.

    Remember Ann Richards, Gov, TX (deceased) she came out as the first speaker at the DNC (I think for Clinton) and said:

    "Poor George Bush, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth."

    First remark, an insult.  This is who they are.

    Also, I have learned from the DNC and this past week with Palin,

    that "feminism"

    means LIBERAL feminism, therefore, a liberal woman.  It doesn't apply EVER to a conservative Sandra Day O'Connor, Liz Dole,

    Jean Kirpatrick, or of course, Palin.  Would these questions be asked in the media to Obama?  h**l no.

    Make no mistake, the LIBERAL media, is in the tank for the Dems.

    Just watch NBC, and their tickers.

  3. It doesn't hurt, because this is just a web board and reflects nothing other than the opinions of a few.

  4. Potty mouthed and stupid, is that any way to go through life Questions UR Afraid? Cockroach.

  5. I personally think its retarded...especially how O'bama tries to be so simpathetic to everyone in need or facing family issues.  Oh wait, if you believe in the Constitution you don't get any sympathy!  Tell me this, how many parents with a hot 17 year old dauughter have successfully been able to prevent them from opening their legs???  Exactly.  Non issue, who cares...move on.

  6. I just shows how out of touch with the real world they are and how low they are willing to go to bully even a child.  Funny thing is is that they do not understand that they are undermining any chance Obama may have had.  Finally, they do not believe in taking responsibility for ones actions, they believe that aborting the baby for their own person gain is the norm.  

  7. The left isn't slinging the mud at Palin's daughter.  They are criticizing Palin herself and it has nothing to do with her daughter being pregnant.  There are a whole lot of reasons to criticize Palin on political matters.  Her family is her business.

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