America is 70% against the war in Iraq. America bases its opinion on the media. Is the media telling people the truth?
The following was received from a friend...
My niece stationed at Baluud, Iraq was assigned to escort/guard Martha Raddatz , reporter for ABC News
when she accompanied John McCain's on his trip to Iraq.
Katelyn stood directly behind Raddatz as she asked soldiers about the up coming elections. Ms Raddatz asked 60 GI's who they planned to vote for in November. 54 said John McCain, 4 for Obama and 2 for Hillary.
Katelyn called home and told her family to watch ABC news because she was standing directly behind Raddatz and maybe they'd see her on TV. The family all watched and got a h**l of a view of skewed news.
ABC News showed 5 GI's being asked by Raddatz how they were going to vote in November: 3 for Obama and 2 for Clinton. No mention of the 54 votes for McCain.
And you trust the safety of America to these reporters??