
Does the media influence which girls a man dates?

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Does the media influence which girls a man dates?




  1. well if the girl is a nut job maybe

  2. Girls (0-14) in most US states legally shouldn't date men; but of course the media does push men and women to date each other, as the media likes to sell products to heterosexuals using s*x. Women on the other hand, can be influenced by many factors, one being the media, when it comes to dating, just like men.    

  3. The girls men date influence the media.

  4. I don't think it's that simple. The media can reinforce trends that already exist.

  5. "I fail to see how the media can influence core traits in an individual."

    I find that almost shocking.

  6. Yes and no.  Men like a certain type of woman, so the media tells us to like that particular type of woman.  Let's face it, the concept of men liking big b***s, long legs and pert buttocks predates MTV by a considerable number of centuries.

  7. I just ned to point out your language: girl and man.

    Who are these adult males who are dating female children?

    Your question would also have been better if you'd explained it a bit. What are you asking about? Influence how? Why do you ask?

    Are YOU influenced in who you're interested in by the media?

    I'm inclined to doubt that most men's interest in the opposite s*x is influenced by the media. People's attractions are personal and individual.

  8. I fail to see how the media can influence core traits in an individual.

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