
Does the media offend the general public?

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by certain products or stuff they put out there? i'm wondering if we're being insulted or respected by being provided with things we may need or have interest in. Or are these people in the media after their self-interests and could care less what society wants?




  1. NO! the general public is stupid for watching...nobody sais you have to watch TV, listen to the radio, read the newspaper...etc....if they do turn of the tv or radio or put down the newspaper....geez take control of  your lives people!!!

  2. only, when they try reporting the news.

  3. In order to succeed in media you MUST ALWAYS have the general public and what they want in mind. That's just how it works.

  4. as a general rule the media is a collection of companies whose purpose is to create profits for their shareholders, which, to some extent, ironically IS the general public (if they invest in stock).  However, I do think there are likely some in the media who are mindful of the consumerism propoganda that they peddle.  I would suggest though that those people are rare in the media and they are more conscious of their immediate needs for job, salary, food, etc...whatever the public will gobble up from the media trough is what will get slopped in there for us.  Also I LOVE Sahara's favorite scene from a movie is when Amelie rushes over to turn down the sound on the tv when news of Princess Diana's death was being was when she found the box...if you haven't seen the movie Amelie then you should see it!

  5. I think by lumping ALL of the media together, you are doing a disservice. The media is in the business of business.

  6. latest news and magazine

  7. i think that the media, in general, think we aren't very smart.

  8. I think that the media just adds fuel to the fire.

  9. I think the media has an agenda that isn't necessarily out to serve the general public. I don't think the general public is entirely innocent or a victim by any means. Big business owns media and they have an agenda.

    I find the media insulting personally because I feel that it is at a lower level and I have 0 interest in celebrities. I shut it off when they start talking about this celebrity or that one. Who cares. We have a lot of important things to discuss.

    edit: True. You don't have to watch but sometimes it's nice to know what is going on. I find it a waste of time now. There are too many commercials and too many time wasters, not enough substance.

  10. Yes, they offend the smart public.    The media is all about money.    They don't care what they put out there, just so we'll buy it.

    Look, for instance, at the pharmaceutical ads!

    They tell us to go to  our "prescribers" (not even calling them doctors anymore) and ask for any medication they want to pitch.

    Statin drugs alone, are killing Americans.  Younger and younger men and women are falling over dead (like Tim Russert) from the money makers who sell their pure-garbage drugs on T.V.

    Google:  "The Dangers of Statin Drugs"  Weston Price Report !!!!

    We don't question.   So, we are to blame.

    Look how many people are chugging down harmful "depression" medications.   What  a joke.   Billions of dollars a month go to the Pharms, and people take the junk, and then die from organ failure.

    Buyer .. beware.   It's ALL about money!     And, that's who pays the bills for the news media.  It is pretty SICK!

  11. I personally am Insulted.  It seems like that's all the Media does anymore is promotions, advertisements, and propaganda.

    I can't even watch it on TV, they really assume we all lack intelligence.  Guess I'll get my news on-line.

  12. They think we're stupid sheep. Even during elections, they're biased towards obama. Notice all the glowing wonderful reports they right about him who has done nothing and thinks you're a fool (Oct. 2003, Minnesota)

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