
Does the media or anyone "care" what's written on YA's? Is it used for review of public opinion by journalists

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It would be a fast way, I'd think, just to skim through these posts to see where people's heads are at, but I don't know if that's done here or on other blogs, for any news shows.

Anybody know?




  1. I wouldn't call this an accurate barometer of public opinion. However, it can be a small piece of the puzzle about what people are thinking. For example, Ron Paul's supporters sent tons of notes on here and in other places on the net. Something obviously was up.

    Me, I just like to try to inform people and clear up misconceptions.

  2. Most media companies don't need to come here to find out what people are thinking. People communicate directly with the companies by putting comments on articles, letters to the editors, etc...

    They don't need to come to Yahoo Answers, although it would be a cool idea.

  3. the media can ************ so if they are reading this... heres to a lazy-sits-on-his-***-all-day-no talent auto cue reading piece of **** gettin paid by people who work real jobs and then splurging thousands on s*x clubs:FACT

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