
Does the media reinforce negative steryotypes of Black men?

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Or do they simply present everyone in a negative light in order to sell?




  1. Ask the gangster rappers.  It seems to me you're doing it to each other.

  2. the media does do a number on black men, as a sister and a cousin of successfully young black men i try not to let the stereotypes effect my way of thinking. On the other hand black men do not help stop these stereotypes by the way they Carry themselves...even though they are not all jerks, just to keep up appearances they will start talking nonsense so they don't seem "soft". I'm not saying that women don't talk smack either, but the media does do a number on men.

  3. Of course it does.  It reinforces a set of assumptions that justify their mistreatment in the educational system, job market, and the criminal justice system.  If the average person’s perception of Black men is bad, then the average person is less likely to complain about or even acknowledge their mistreatment.  The media also rarely shows or depicts a Black man in a loving relationship with a Black woman.  What is that about?

  4. Let's put it this way, do you see more community interest stories or mug shots (either pertaining to black men) in the media?

    I believe that the media does portray the average black man as a lazy, unemployable, criminal, drug addict or gang banger. Sensationalism sells more than the truth, I guess, though I don't notice it with other ethnic groups.

    I especially find this practice offensive because of black men like my husband and his friends. All hold jobs, are married without illegitimate children, aren't felons, and take care of their families and financial obligations. It's just one more form of racism to add to the very long list........

  5. Black men are more steretypically seen in a negative way by the media.

    In sociology at the moment in my school we are talking about how it is statistically proven that black boys do the least well in school. And I belive the reason for this is because of the sterotype that black boys dont care about education and just commit crime etc...which is ridiculous!

    In my school my black friends (most) all have families who are very strict about there education and therefore, they have to try and do well....

    We constantly see black men on news commiting crime, murders, stabbings and I do agree that it is mostly black men they show, as if other races and nationalities dont do the same??

    This may be interesting to you...

    In my school the other day, we had an inspector, this inspector mentioned to a teacher after her lesson that she was particulary having a go at the black boys more than other people in the class who were also misbehaving...

    Afteran investigation, they found out that black boys have a more lower and deeper voice making them become more obvious to teachers, pupils etc....

    I dont know if this is an excuse or it s actually a reason...what do you think???

  6. The media stereotypes many people.

    Yes, most black men are shown to be lazy, unemployed, uneducated, worthless, dead beat dads. You can find these types of people in every race and nationality.

    There are other stereotypes as well: in how many movies do you see a nice rich teenager? They make most of them out to be mean, petty, jealous, backstabbing princes and princesses. Some are, some are not.

    The middle class kids are mostly made out to be goody goodys with high ethical standards. This is definitely not always the case.

    Most of the poverty stricken people are made out to be irresponsible lazy alcoholics or druggies.

    With freedom of speech comes the freedom to twist a story into anything you want. Free does not mean truth has to follow. Freedom and truth should go hand in hand.

    Tyler Perry is putting a different spin on the black family structure and the black man's role in it and society. More people need to watch his stuff and ignore the other.

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