
Does the medication Marquis cause a horse to be hyper?

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My horse is being treated for EPM and has been taking Marquis for 10 days now. He is acting very energetic and cantering around the paddock. He never did this before. He is 18 years old but acts like a young buck now!




  1. I've never noticed it to have this affect.  I've seen maybe  6 or 7 horses who were being treated with Marquis for EPM, and they didn't seem to be responding with hyperactivity.  I did quite a lot of research and asking around about EPM at one point about a year ago, and don't recall reading or hearing anything about that kind of response.  I'd ask my vet, if I were you.  Hopefull it IS just because he's feeling better.

    Best of luck with your horse.

  2. It's not listed as a known side effect, but they are still accumulating data on reactions to the drug so it is possible that it may have that effect on some horses.  Yours just sounds like he's feeling really good!

  3. I looked under Marquis "contraindictions" and I saw no reference to hyperactivity .... no doubt your horse is feeling much better!!!  Hence he's moving around more...which is a good thing!!

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