
Does the medicine, ZOMIG and Cyproheptad work well for migraines?

by Guest67098  |  earlier

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I just got the medication ZOMIG and Cypropheptad for my migraines and i am going to a concert tomorrow. and my migraines are caused by flashing lights and loud music. so i was wondering if the medicine would help my migraines at the concert?

so if anyone take the same medication and get ora's in their eyes [black dots] please tell me and let me know if the medicine works.

please and thank you(:




  1. The aura (that's how it's spelled) is of the type called "scotomata," for future reference.

    Cyproheptadine isn't often used in adults, but seems to limit the number of headaches in children and adolescents. It won't work that quickly, in any rate. Zomig may work well should the spots appear during the concert. You'll simply have to wait and see.

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