
Does the military lie to you about the money that they promise >?

by  |  earlier

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for example I'm doing the army and they are telling me I'm going to get a signing bonus and well my monthly check plus the school are they serious or they just want you to join.




  1. it's not a lie

  2. Right sparky. The army is going to trick you about what they will pay. Get serious. Are you from California or something?

  3. EVERYTHING a recruiter tells you is a goddamn lie. Watch the scene from Fahrenheit 9/11. Those guys are practically child predators. I'm glad I pass for a 14-year old. -__-;;

  4. no. its not a lie. they do try to get you to join, but not by lying about the money, but by giving you money. enlistment bonuses are pretty big and dont listen to the people that say you wont make much money, the military pays pretty well. and normally trains you for a civilian job, for the time after the military. Plus while you are in active duty, when you are on deployment or at the base where you are stationed you dont use much of the money they pay you, because they give you free housing and free meals everyday, so its like your saving a lot of money for when your out.

    plus the military pays 100% of you college tuition.

    Im joining the army as military police, in a few months and i plan on becoming a state trooper, which pays well. i have looked at all the money i will be payed over my six year contract. and i feel i will live pretty well after the army.

    the recruiter may give some of the details frosting but they do not lie about pay.

  5. No, they don't.

    Heres how it works.

    Your monthly check (assuming you are an e-1 or PVT) is approx 1200 dollars.

    Your bonus comes AFTER you graduate from AIT and make it to your first duty station and start doing your job. You HAVE to make it through basic and ait and get the commander of your unit to sign a paper saying you are doing your job.

    the "school" you recieve is your MOS (job) training. thats all free.

    And your GI bill. You have to pay the inital 1200 dollars (comes out every check, 100 for the first year) and then you get to use your GI bill.

    so no, they dont lie to you, but they dont tell you how it works. hope that helped.  

  6. wow...lotta morons on this one...........oh and no as long as it's on ur contract...

  7. once you join they wont ever let you go,my freind had one month out of 6 years to see his family.sad.

  8. LOL well they dont make more then a phyciatrist.. and u can get killed, but you can retire in 20 years x]

  9. So long as what they promise is in your contract, then you get what you signed for. But it is up to YOU to make sure everything in the contract is what you agreed upon. Don't count on the recruiter to make sure the contract is 100% correct.

    Also, you have to live up to your end of the contract. If for some reason you can't fulfill the terms of your enlistment, then you may not be entitled to what was agreed upon in the contract.

  10. They just want you to join.  Get all of their promises in writing!!! Do not sign up if they will not put EVERYTHING in writing.  Especially all the little, nitty, gritty stuff.

  11. As long as it was in your contract then you'll receive half upon the completion of basic training and the rest will be divided up and paid throughout your active service time.

  12. You don't "do" the Army... or any branch of the military. You join and serve.

    As for the money, if you read the contract, it specifies the conditions and amount. If not... sorry Charlie. You're being done by the Army.

    When you join the military, you are first and foremost, a combat soldier. You are trained for that purpose. You can bet you will see combat. In combat, some combat soldiers die. There's no guarantee that you won't be one of them.

    People "do" the "service thing" thinking it's a free education, on the job training for a civilian career, or a big bonus. While those benefits might be available, to be wiling to put one's life on the line for them seems to indicate a few synapses might be missing.

    I've heard the excuse "It's a capitalistic economy. It's just good business." Risk capital. Don't risk your life. That's not capitalistic. That's moronic... unless, of course, you're life's so miserable you don't mind losing it -- in which case, here'a a News Flash for you: tere are other quicker, simpler, less expensive methods than suicide by combat.

  13. Don't go into the Army no matter what they tell you. You'll make more money working at McDonalds.

  14. Just think about it. I'm not saying they are lying about the money, but think about why they are giving you a bonus for doing that job. Uncle Sam's stingy; it's not a gift and most likely it's cause the job sucks. Try and find someone else on here with that MOS and ask them directly.

  15. The enlistment bonus will be paid as long as you keep your part of the contract, ie you fulfil the duty you signed up for. They don't lie, they just attach the money to certain conditions, and rightfully so. Whoever thinks it's free money is a fool and shouldn't enlist in the first place.

    How much you end up making after all is in your own hands though. Good luck!

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