
Does the modern man have more complexity of thoughts and feelings because he has more sophisticated language?

by Guest61128  |  earlier

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Did the primitive man felt the difficulty of expressing himsleft through the narrow range of words if there was any? Did this difficulty led to the creation of words?

I got three Qs ;)




  1. Probably not. I've never thought about this before.. but I'll give it a shot.. I think that just because the modern man speaks a more sophisticated language doesn't mean he has more complexity of thought. I would think the primitive man would have a more complex imagination just because he DIDN'T have words to make sense of. This difficulty, most probably, has led and greatly influenced the creation of words.

  2. No! Modern Man is capable (well, some of us, anyway) of complex thought for the very same reason that he is capable of language.

    That's a hint; should make your research easier, assuming you will actually look into the subject.

  3. thoughts and feelings have nothing to do with language, language only expresses those thoughts and feelings. the modern man may have more complex thoughts and feelings now because we do not have to spend the majority of our time hunting or searchig for warmth.

    see maslows heiarchy of needs

  4. This question makes me think of being stationed in Puerto Rico where they have a little gesture that I had never seen in the states.  They touch their mouth to their nose.  It has a variety of meanings and I was able to understand even with never being exposed to it before.  I was stopped at a stop sign and so was the man across the road but he did that and I knew he wanted me to go.  They usually toss their heads back alittle at the same time.  It can mean come here or you're dumb or many other meanings. If this one little gesture can say so much I don't think that words are actually needed. I think that primitive man wasn't any different than we are.  My parents had very old cabin in the mountains.  It didn't have door k***s but wood latchs that you pulled free with a string coming thru a hole in the door.  It didn't have running water but a spring had been diverted thru a basin.  Primitive but not lacking.

  5. 1. I would think the complexity of thoughts and feelings would be based on education,experience,social situations,whether or not one suppresses them. The sophistication of our language definitely helps one express those thoughts and feelings.

    2. Primitive man was able to express himself in other ways(ie; grunts grabbing and all yea clubs, lol) Just like a newborn only knows to cry to have their needs met. Not sure they even recognized that there was a difficulty.

    3.Mans evolution and experiences would have eventually led to the need for an expanded means of communication, hence more words as part of it.

    just a little tidbit fyi....93.7 percent of communication is non-verbal.               hope this is helpful.

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