
Does the moon affect our mood swings?

by Guest60483  |  earlier

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Does the moon affect our mood swings?




  1. no. dats just completely random

  2. some people may be sensitive to it. like some are sensitive to weather changes...

  3. just as the moon affects and effects the earths tides it does the same to human beings.  the earth and human beings are approximately 75% water.    call any hospital, more babies are born during the full moon than any other time.  it is even better for your healing from operations to have them during a certain phase of the moon.  

  4. Very much so. Crime rates increase during a full moon. Full moons are also a great time to have parties.

  5. Yes hence Lunatic

  6. Apparently it does also more babies are born when it's a full moon and some farmers plant and take in crops at times when it's a new or full moon, the tides from the sea go with the moon phases as well, in fact somewhere there are more admitted to psyciatric hospitals when there is a full moon.

    edit; Jen B great answer

  7. I'm pretty sure it does. I know for a fact that the sun does, I suffer from S.A.D (Haha) which means you generally get more depressed in the winter because the sun is at a further distance from the earth.

    There are different degrees though of S.A.D where you either get a little depressed (like me) or you could get majorly depressed and suicidal.

    I think if the sun can affect our feelings, theres no reason why the moon can't.  

  8. At the University of Miami, psychologist Arnold Lieber and his colleagues decided to test the old belief of full-moon “lunacy” which most scientists had written off as an old wives’ tale. The researchers collected data on homicide in Dade County (Miami) over a period of 15 years — 1,887 murders, to be exact. When they matched the incidence of homicide with the phases of the moon, they found, much to their surprise, that the two rose and fell together, almost infallibly, for the entire 15 years! As the full or the new moon approached, the murder rate rose sharply; it distinctly declined during the first and last quarters of the moon.

    To find out whether this was just a statistical fluke, the researchers repeated the experiment using murder data from Cuyahoga County in Ohio (Cleveland). Again, the statistics showed that more murders do indeed occur at the full and new moons.

    Dr. Lieber and his colleagues shouldn’t have been so surprised. An earlier report by the American Institute of Medical Climatology to the Philadelphia Police Department entitled “The Effect of the Full Moon on Human Behavior” found similar results. That report showed that the full moon marks a monthly peak in various kinds of psychotically oriented crimes such as murder, arson, dangerous driving, and kleptomania. People do seem to get a little bit crazier about that time of the month.

    That’s something most police and hospital workers have known for a long time. Indeed, back in eighteenth-century England, a murderer could plead “lunacy” if the crime was committed during the full moon and get a lighter sentence as a result. Scientists, however, like to have a hard physical model to explain their discoveries, and so far there isn’t a fully accepted one. Dr. Lieber speculates that perhaps the human body, which, like the surface of the earth, is composed of almost 80 percent water, experiences some kind of “biological tides” that affect the emotions. When a person is already on psychologically shaky ground, such a biological tide can push him or her over the edge.

  9. Yes so stop looking at it, you will get covered in hair

  10. Actually, I think it does because a few people I know cannot sleep at night when the moon is full, even with their room completely dark.

  11. maybe

  12. idk maybe

  13. Moon Madness!

    There is no scientific proof that the moon affects us in any way, and yet it's widely believed that the phases of the moon, just as it affects the tides, it does humans and animals.

    The media feeds on this, always commenting that there are more crimes and accidents during full moon and ask any nurse and they'll say more injured people enter hospitals during this period- but how many things haven't yet been proven, and still happen -or seem to affect? Is it all just in our minds?

    The gravitational force of the moon is strong enough to cause the ocean to rise (causing high tide) and therefore it is possibly changing the gravitational effect on our glands and organs which can affect our moods. During the night, the full moon counteracts the gravitational pull on us from the Earth, and during the day its complete absence overhead would allow the Earth's gravitation to have an unobstructed affect on us. This gravitational difference between mid-day and midnight is the greatest during the days of the full moon (and new moon when the moon is overhead during midday and absent during the night). It is one explanation for a persons more erratic behaviour during this time (and also during the new moon for some people).

    Some animals change in behavior also during the changes of the moon, much as humans, their moods/actions seem influenced as well as sexual behavior seem more prominent during different phases of the moon.

  14. no, but my girlfriend does

  15. Haven't you ever heard the term "Lunatic"? I know for a fact that crime sky rockets during a full moon, E.R. rooms get inundated. I don't know about other moon phases and the affect of those, of course the full moon stands out to everyone.

  16. I have no data to back this up, but my theory is:

    The human body is approximately 80% water.(might be more)

    If you believe the theory of evolution, humans are the distant ancestors of ocean dwelling life.

    The cycles of the moon dramatically effect large bodies of water, oceans, in the form to tides and currents.

    Lunar cycles effecting the human body, and in turn the human brain just seems to make logical sense.

  17. After many years as an ER nurse I will tell you that during the full moon admission to the ER for assaults of all kinds goes up.

    During a new moon the admission for mental problems and drug induced problems increase.

    That is all I can tell you  

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