
Does the moon rotate on its own axis as it rotates around the earth?

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Does the moon rotate on its own axis as it rotates around the earth?




  1. There is a center of the universe?

  2. Yes, once per sidereal month.

  3. > Does the moon rotate on its own axis


    > as it rotates around the earth?

    The moon does not rotate around the earth. It revolves around the earth.

  4. Yes just like the earth rotates on its axis while it rotates around the ssun and the sun rotates on its axis while rotating around the core of the galaxy and like the galaxy rotates on its axis while it rotates around the center of the universe.

  5. The Moon DOES NOT rotate about its own axis!  Try this:  poke a pin through the center of a sheet of paper and draw a face near the outer edge of the paper, looking at the pin.  The pin represents the center of the Earth and the face represents the "face" of the Moon which is always visible to us on Earth.  Now rotate the paper around the pin. Does the face always face the pin?  Yes.  Does the "face" rotate about its own axis?  No.  It does, however, rotate about the pin.  So the Moon rotates about the axis of the Earth, not about its own axis.

    But what would happen if the Moon did rotate about its own axis?  Imagine the "face" on the paper rotating about its axis while you rotate the paper.  The the face rotates in and out of the "view" of the pin.  If the Moon rotated about its own axis, we would not see the same "face" all the time.

    If you were on the Sun looking at the Earth, you would see the Earth rotating about its axis, about once every 24 hours and you would notice it slowly sweeping across the sky as it orbited the Sun, once per year (not considering the rotation of the Sun).

    On the Earth, the star field appears to rotate roughly one revolution per 24 hours.  That's due to the Earth's rotation about its own axis.  On the Moon, the star field's apparent motion would be very much slower and would be due mostly to the Moon's orbit about the Earth.

  6. Yes, and its period of rotation is exactly eqaul to its period of revolution, which is why the same side of the moon always faces the Earth.


  7. Moon rotates around own its axis and around earth in the same time.That is 27.3 earth days. That is why we dont see the other side of moon from earth.This due to graviational tidal locking.The same effect is for many satellites like Jupiters Io,Europa,Ganimede,etc

    29.5days answer is not correct. 29.5days is the time taken for full moon to next full moon.This is more because Earth moves about 30degree around the one month.

    From one star to same star again,that is 360dgree the moon takes only27.3days.

  8. yes it does. the moon completes its axial rotation at the same time it completes an orbit around earth which is about every 29.5 days.

  9. The moon doesn't "rotate" around the Earth.

    Rotate is the motion of an object around an axis (like a spinning top).

    Revolution (or orbit) is the motion of an object around another object (like the planets around the sun, or the moon around the Earth).

    The moon rotates once on its axis in the same amount of time (about 29.5 days) it takes to make one orbit around the Earth.

    This is called tidal locking, and is the reason we only see one side of the moon (though because of libration we can actually see a total of 59% of the moon's surface, though only half at any one time).

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