
Does the morinig after pill really work when they are so small?

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I am 19 years old and my boyfriends condom slipped. I bought the morning after pill, but they are soo small!!! is tht really the pill or what???? i mean i thought that it would be bigger but its too just wondering if they really work...




  1. read the package.. they really do work.. if your conscience can deal with killing a helpless child, then take it. they are not 100% effective, but read the box and you should be fine.

    Good luck with your decision and please think hard about it before you do anything drastic.

  2. How can asprin work when they are so small. And michelle, the morning after pill doesnt kill a baby, it keeps you from getting pregnant after a condom breaks or something.

  3. The size of pills doesnt normally matter.

  4. Yes, the morning after pill really does work. I recently took it a few weeks ago, you just have to make sure you follow the directions (meaning taking it at the correct time). And just to be on the safe side, I would recommend that you should get on birth control. Everything isn't 100% but at least you know that you and your partner are condoning safe and protective s*x.

  5. The size of the pill means nothing! DON'T let anyone on here make you feel guilty about taking it! You know what is right for you. But you may want to tell your boyfriend he is buying the wrong size condom. Maybe try a smaller one next time. (I'm not trying to be smart).

  6. the size of the pill doesn't matter. it only matters how much of the chemical is in the drug that matters. and take it from me, yes it will work. the best time to take is right after or the morning after. it can be effective up until five days after, but three days after is when it is really effective. i have taken it once and it worked for me.

  7. Umm...little pills can do big things...

  8. Of course they work!

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