
Does the movie "23" have any validity to it?

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Did that movie make you think that everything boils down to 23?




  1. no way. thats just hollywood for u. dont let it freak you out lol

  2. they are hypedimesional matecmatics

    u tnumebr 23 is not that importat in them

    so i would say no

    only thing i can rember  the fastest  alien reverse engeered craft in production

    has 23000= 23  light years  max speed per second

  3. Sorry honey, but numbers are just numbers and any meaning bestowed upon them is only imagination or wishful thinking.

  4. if you look hard enough for somwthing like you'll find it

  5. I loved that movie...its an obsession with numbers...the movie was based on 23... but for many people they have ties with other doesnt have to be with 23...for me its 33/ 333...if we all start counting into everything, including our house numbers, date of births,.list goes on and on...for most people, they will find the same number through out everything in their life...i cannt speak for every one...but i do find it quite fasinating....

  6. Really I guess you could find whatever you want in anything. But most of the point to it was coding. It was the character's subconscious guilt taking over. He suppressed what had happened, but it was going to come out in one way or another. Things don't stay hidden. Everything comes out in the end and it did reveal itself logically.

    This really makes me want to watch it again. lol No matter how many times I watch it it still thrills me.

  7. Isn't this the one where he saw the number 23 on everything. Isn't there a name for that...when you keep seeing the same number over and over.? That used to happen to me a lot..only not just with numbers. I figured it was so that I would pay attention to what they were trying to tell me. But I'm a dummy...I was so fascinated with the "experience" that I missed the "message". So..the moral is..."Don't miss the message!"

    Ghost...HERE IT IS...

    Here's someone's experience with it:

  8. There is a whole 23 Enigma in the world. The "23 Enigma" is the Discordian belief that all events are connected to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.It can be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: The Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered either lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or strange. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.s with most numerological claims, the 23 enigma can be viewed as an example of apophenia, selection bias, and confirmation bias. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

    A creepy example: The 23rd letter of the alphabet is W, a letter whose shape suggests two horns pointing down and three points up, like the devil-horns hand-sign thrown up at rock concerts. On the typewriter keyboard, W lies directly below the two and three.

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