
Does the name Donovan sound s****.?

by  |  earlier

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with the nickname Donnie.




  1. A little..

  2. No, Donovan isn't s****. at all. It's a lovely, masculine name for your son. It's a very strong Gaelic name, in my opinion.

    I think Donald would actually sound more s****. than Donovan would. Donald Trump would be an example. Donald is very, very dated and has a really glumpy sound to it. Donovan is polished and defined, where Donald is just, BLAH.

  3. Not really, but maybe more than Donald. I think it's because it's not as common of a name. They can both be called Don or Donny. I like the name Donovan I think its classy.

  4. Yes very

  5. Donovan is a last name.

    I prefer Donald!! or Donnel

  6. Donovan sounds like they are a s****. rich kid and Donnie sounds they are a poor dirty kid. Just saying.

  7. Yes! Donovan sounds very s****.. It's on the same level as Becky. Donald would sound MUCH better:)

  8. No way!  It sounds really boy-next-door.

  9. i like donavan  

  10. No, Donovan is great.

  11. not to me. I think it's really cute.

  12. Nah, it's a good name, I think.

    Donovan's "Hurdy Gurdy Man" is a great song, too.

  13. I love Donovan

    I think Donnie is cute

    Donovan is cool updated name of Donald

    I never like Donald

  14. fine. But yes i do think of *s****.* when i hear the name Donovan now that you mention it.

    Don't let people on yahoo answers put you off. name YOUR child what YOU want to name him.

  15. Not at all. I like Donovan very much. Dont like Donald.

  16. If you likie Donald Duck.

  17. No, it jsut sounds trendy and a little bit feminine.  It's not a strong name in my opinion.  Just a bit flimsy.

  18. Hello Earthling.

    My name is Miranda. I have taken over kelsey's account. Kelsey is locked in a closet. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that were over that, onto the name. It's loserish. Donovan sounds like a fat, bald, rich, old, smelly, poopish man who does cross word puzzles and is married to Petunia the Gardener. Loser Petunia.

    As you can tell, I hate Donovan. Good Bye.

    Un-fellow Martian,

    Miranda Donovan-Petunia the 14th

    Grr. I hate my name

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