
Does the need to increase our material worth surpass the need to protect the environment?

by Guest61532  |  earlier

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Does the need to increase our material worth surpass the need to protect the environment?




  1. Many people are victims of marketing and today's society.  It clouds their thinking and makes them want more and more things.  It's our job to help educate them in a nonconfrontational manner and to encourage our governments to protect the environment and restore ecosystems.

  2. Actually, consumers don't increase their own material wealth when they waste resources.  They increase mine.  I live cheaply by holding consumption to a minimum while investing in stocks, which then go up because people are people and can't resist the urge to spend.  I wish it weren't so, but thats the way it goes.  I spend money on things like flourescent light bulbs, wind power, and someday a fuel efficient car.  Also, some of the companies I buy happen to be quite evironmentally friendly.

  3. That is a ridiculous statement with a lot of arrogance behind it.  What you are saying, I am right, you are wrong.  And since I am incapable of being wrong anyone who disagrees with me has some ulterior motive behind them.  After all the evidence is "overwhelming".  Somebody even said that we (skeptics) are basing our judgment on "emotion".  As if you, me and everybody else on this board is not.  Most of the science of global warming is above our heads.  Everybody's judgment is based on emotion.  The thumbs down I am going to get is based on emotions.

    So it becomes a question of who do you trust.  But you say 99% of experts say it is true.  Well a survey of climatologist found that only 56% of them believe humans are to blame for the current rise in temperatures.  Only 9% believe the evidence is overwhelming by strongly agreeing.  But you and others dismiss this survey based on emotions, by rationalizing it away.  You believe the survey is garbage, because you do not want to believe it.

    Sorry, I have lived through many environmental hysterias.  In the 70's and eighties they were saying that the world would be in chaos during this decade.  (global cooling, population growth explosions, running out of oil, pandemic of skin cancers due to whole in ozone layer  etc)  I am not about to believe this one.  

    So to answer your question, I do believe we should put the health of the environment above material worth.  But I do put material wealth, and the livelihoods (jobs) above the slim and none  chance of environmental disaster.

  4. For most people, unfortunately, it does. Most people are selfish and refuse to acknowledge the long-term effects of their actions.

  5. Yes.

    Sciences exists that are destructive to the living environment, and therefore those who wanna convert the process of destructive productivity

    into  safer technologies, and the productive dorce of the majority that agrees tin it needs financial power.

    You cant stop pennilessly damning those who may choke life by looting its reserve, oxigen into outside space, or wanna turn free gas form of carbondioxide into bakingsoda ( another false science the broth of spaceexploration).

    Need voice, electronic telecommunication (wireless is greater and greater) need no more space based transmission, it can be solved within the biosphere since wireless is spread worldwide.

    Yes, we need good industry, not evil use of science.

  6. Unfortunately, it does for most of the selfish, greedy, wasteful, dirty, and careless folks of today's society (for these people they think earths grow on trees).

  7. It would appear that for most people this is the case. We have turned into a throw away society which has been encouraged by capitalist greed and a group of politicians h**l bent on making sure that they look good during their term in office by not daring to change incase of failure. Of course the image of people dose not help, Eco warriors are seen as geeks and long haired lay abouts, maybe when people cant get what they want because it no longer exists they may realise that the only way to preserve their lifestyles is to recycle. In the end you deserve what you accept!

  8. The two are not mutually exclusive...Al Gore's making a fortune selling "enviromental protection".

  9. Yes.  Sadly.

  10. your question relate alot to what i went through the last 2 years. it`s a realisation that i made and since then i keep on getting rid of the material i possess.  too much stuff and choices too be made makes you feel lost somehow. it was too much for me.  the expression " less is more" is very much true. i feel lighter and better with my life.  too many of us are like that too.  we don`t realise it, it`s a pattern.  we just keep on buying and buying stuff that deep down we don`t need.  now we`re so focus on the material side of life that we no longer see life itself in it`s essential.

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