
Does the new TSA airport scanner worry you?

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The TSA is planning ot use full-body scanners to put people through security at tairports in the near future. They are like complex x-rays...and they show everything but your face in vivid, completely naked detail. Even your sensative areas will be out for every member of the TSA to see-- and these scanners are VERY accurate...need I say more?

This freaks me out. The TSA is widely known for ineffectiveness, harassment...and now seeing through the clothes of women, men, and children.

Does this worry you? It worries me...the governent seems to be taking away our rights little by little each day. I don't want the world to be able to see me completely bare even for a few moments. That's a total invasion of privacy.

Safety is one thing, but this kind of harassment is just wrong on so many levels. Agree? Disagree? Thoughts?





  1. Don't get your dander up.

    It's just screening.

    It'll probably save YOUR a$$ someday.

  2. I couldn't care less if it makes the line move quicker.

    [edit]  To liken it to pornography is a bit extreme... and as for 10 year olds... I just don't see it.  The TSA is going to see everybody that goes through - a small percent of people (we'll assume that includes a few in the TSA) might get their thrills from seeing a kid go through, but there's no way you'd ever get "a bunch of guys" ogling around the camera.

    As for arguments about privacy, it's already been established that you don't have that right when you get in line to go on a plane... they search and seize as they see fit.

  3. I personally think that it is wrong, they should employ better technicians that will do their jobs alot better and they would it they were paid a better salary but this is going too far.

  4. agree... if you can see them naked, you can see them naked, might as well have them strip in front of the guy too.

    And i think its really weird knowing someone's studying my jewels that much... X.x

  5. You can refuse to do it, they will search you by hand in that case. I think this is FABULOUS technology, can you imagine how this will make the terrorists think twice. ?  They will also be doing it to employees for safety reasons. This thing picks up plastics, explosives can be made from plastics. Right now the old scanners do not detect that type of thing. I think this is cool, I wouldn't care who sees me and they are not interested in the size of your body parts just the things you may be carrying on or in your body. The pics are not saved, deleted immediately after viewing and the machines are totally NOT connected to any internet type systems. The men are not going to sit there and ogle people ,they don't have time. TSA has zero storage capability and images will not be printed stored or transmitted. Once the transportation security officer has viewed the image and resolved anomalies, the image is erased from the screen permanently. The officer is unable to print, export, store or transmit the image.

    In Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, where scanners have been tested since last year as an alternative to pat-downs, 90% of passengers choose to be scanned, the TSA says.

    Go here and look at the photo of what they will see, its nothing.

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