
Does the new baby look more like Steph or Triple H (Pictures inside)?

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I found a video with em on youtube

Question: Who does the baby look more like, Triple H or Stephanie?




  1. What a stupid video. All I seen was HHH and Jeff Hardy along with a bug. I guess I'm the biggest idiot to watch the video as the other ones said they thought it was a trap.. Getting ready to vomit.....

  2. I'm not even gonna look at the video. Instead, I'm gonna pray for that baby's sake, that it looks more like STEF!!  

  3. i will not dare to look at the video you've provided 'coz i have a strong feeling that its a trap but anyway, i do hope that the baby looks like stephanie..

  4. I hope she grows up to look like steff cause she's so hott.

  5. i didin't look at ur video but i hope she looks like steff cu she's hott

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