
Does the new world order exist for a one world government and is it linked to the illuminati the freemasons .?

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Does the new world order exist and also the illuminati




  1. it exists slowly

  2. Why? Are they lesbians?

    Wrong section.

  3. Have You just seen Zeitgeist or summat?

  4. Who else did 911?...and yeah freemasons are not connected to illuminati and NWO.

  5. YES! All are inter linked in one way or another. For more information check out these sites:

    Alex Jones'


    Below are 2 links to a friend of mine who knows about it all:-

  6. There is no NWO, no "one world government", heck they care barely agree on a single currency in the "european union"... there is no illuminati.

    the freemasons are real, they are not, and never have been, connected to any of the above.


    have fun reading all the conspiracy theorist links mentioned below, other then entertainment they are all worthless

  7. No.

  8. absolutely yes and they are all connected and they run the show. If you really want to know about this stuff in fine detail get a david icke book, he may be seen as a nutter but seriously he really knows his stuff and has researched bloodlines and the illuminati in detail  check it out

  9. Yes...yes...and, yes...and, when it's finally 'realized' society will, literally, tear itself apart...REALLY!

  10. I am willing to believe in the existence of the NWO, at least to the extent that there are certain socialist type groups and individuals that may believe that kind of thing to be a good idea... I don't think there is any real steam behind them however.

    Freemasonry however is not a political organization, and has always been  and is a fraternity that believes in and supports individual liberties- something not in line with NWO mentality.

    There were some Illuminati groups that supported single world government, others that did not. No matter though, no group calling itself Illuminati has existed for over 200 years, and none of those ever had any ties, affiliation, or relationship to Freemasonry.

  11. Yes, they are all linked. EVERYONE knows that.

    My step-dad is a free mason, it's all connected.

    The illuminati are going to bring us down slowly.

  12. Absolutely. Those who claim that the Illuminati and Freemasons are not inter-connected need to re-think that one or do some more research. They are hand-in-glove!! They work infiltrating government in positions of power throughout the world so that they can control what goes on. They are planning global tyranny.  

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