
Does the non-custoidal parent have to pay child support the summer month that the child is with him?

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Does the non-custoidal parent have to pay child support the summer month that the child is with him?




  1. Usually yes...unless there  is a stipulation in the child support order by the courts.

  2. yes

  3. depends on how your court order is written up.

    but if you ask me, they shouldnt have to, because if they have the kids, they are supporting them 100% at the moment.

  4. Yes, usually they do unless written differently in the court order.

  5. Yes.  The other parent needs to continue to maintain a home for the child during that month, even if the child is not physically there at the time.  Some expenses like rent for a 2+ bedroom house/apartment & utilities for that house/apartment don't stop because the child is not there.  

    The custody agreement should spell this out, though.  

    In my husband's case - his child support payment was halved during those two months when he had his daughter in the summer.

  6. Generally, yes.

  7. Depends on what the courts agreed upon sometimes they do but most of the times they don't..

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