
Does the number 11:11 have any significance?

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For the past week my husband has been seeing 11:11 on the clock everywhere. In our kitchen, at work, morning and night. What does it mean? I remember reading something about it having to do with angels or spirits trying to tell you something but I don't know. Everything is great in our life, we're really happy, nothing out of the ordinary is going on so I don't know what it's suppossed to mean and neither does he. Any input??




  1. it means you are really religous do to the fact you fear the number u see it tmore often and izzzzzzzzzzzzzz cowisedence

  2. 11:11 is insignificant since nothing happens around the time you see it or nothing is associated with the time. This is correct, yes?

    Personally, the only significance I find with 11:11 is my personal experience with it, which overall seems rather insignificant. About six years ago, two night in a row my alarm clock went psycho. 11:11 was flashing and glowing, which the alarm sound sounded as if the alarm clock were going to explode. Despite the bizarre experience, I have yet to encounter anything else associated with 11:11 of any significance. I have encountered other weird things though such as predictions, seeing UFOs, etc. but most happened before the 11:11 experience.

    The other oddities I've listed are still reoccurring, which my mother recently has experienced similar things that I have experienced such as Dejavu not always being Dejavu. If you have Dejavu and can pinpoint the dream you had of that moment, then its a prediction, not a glitch in the brain. Needless to say, she kind of freaked out in an astonished manner. Someone telling you something is one thing, but to personally experience it is whole different ball game.

    I do not notice 11:11 as some people seem to notice it, which it seems they are more psychologically tuned into that time slot more than anything else. If you feel its significant, then meditate. At the very least the numbers will not seem so reoccurring due to your mind being attuned.

  3. Naw it's nothing special. It's just something you make a wish on, like birthday candles or a falling star. I see it all the time too, and it's just a fun number to see on the clock. :-)

    Answer my question!: Funniest answer/question you ever saw on Y!A?;...

  4. Thats really neat, I see the same thing but with 1:37 haha.

    Well I'm going to guess that what you was correct. I was born at 11:11 AM. Cool!

  5. I always get 22.22, but hey, im into 2s.

    11.11, to me that means time to get up, or time to go to bed.

  6. when you find out, let me know.

  7. there is no any number without a meaning . You should start read Pythagoras

  8. 11:11 means an opportunity is approaching. Your dreams, intentions and goals will manifest quickly.

  9. yep- it comes after 11:10 and before 11:12.

    simply magic...

  10. We are etherical beings and before we were reincarnated this time around we all agreed that 11:11 would be our "wake-up call"...

    This number is awakening who we truly are through our DNA, not who we have been indoctrinated to be through mainstream religion which only exists on this planet in this dimension, what many humans believe will all be exposed as false as we approach 2012...

    Here are a couple of sites for you :-

    Yours In Light.... )O(

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