
Does the nutritional information on a pack of gum include the part you spit out?

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Or is it just values for the ingredients that disolve?

If so - does that mean that there are less calories in a peice of gum because you spit most of it away?




  1. I think its the bits of the gum you take in, but sometimes I accidentally swallow my gum, like if I'm talking wit it in my mouth >_<

    But yeah that sounds right... Not too sure on this one, ring up th wrigglies consumer info line and see xD

  2. The calories of the gum are due to Carbohydrates (sugars and other sweeteners) which you swallow while chewing the gum. The part that you spit out is the gum base, and is calorie-free.

    I think that the nutritional information on the pack does not include the part you spit out because is not solvable  in your mouth. The gum base among others contains fats that behave as plasticizers, but I think that I have never seen any gum including fats in the ingredients.

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