
Does the old naval defensive maneuver of "chasing the splashes" still have use today?

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Or have modern electronics negated its usefulness in modern navies?





  1. Modern electronics has not negated the need for a Navy,some nations with any kind of a coast line and a harbor has some kind of a navy although not like the U.S.,Russia,Japan and China.

    The last report I saw about China's navy was that they want to start building aircraft carriers to help project their military might to the world and challenge the U.S. Navy for sea power supremacy.

    Russia has developed their submarine acoustics enough to make it harder for U.S. sonar to hear the subs (see the movie "Hunt for Red October" and you'll get a close idea of what I mean).

    Even with modern electronics,there are still lookouts posted to watch the water  from close to the ship to the horizon.

  2. I believe that you are referring to a ship hiding in the sea return of RADAR.

    This technique no longer works, modern electronics can decipher the difference in material and can tell if it is water or metal that is reflecting the signal.

  3. I am not familiar with such a thing. Having been a career submariner, I would wonder though.

    When a target vessel is within range of artillery, such that artillery rounds are dropping near you. Aren't you in the wrong place?

    Why not disable the artillery first? Before you come within their range?

    I should think that such artillery would likely be shore-based, any sea-based artillery should have already been sank by your guarding combatant. No modern surface group is allowed to go to sea without one combatant under them to guard them from enemy target vessels.

  4. I've read a book about Taffy 3 at that battle.

    The Japanese had much more range and power on their guns than did the "tin cans" of Taffy 3. Through this tactic, as you say, they were able to occupy the vastly superior Japanese fleet and protect their escort carriers.

    Taffy 3 and company fought so ferociously that they bluffed a major enemy fleet into withdrawing.

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