
Does the ole' "4 more years" rhetoric still work now that Palin is on board?

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for some reason now when I hear the reptetitive Obama tagline "4 more years" and then look at the utter freshness of the republican ticket (compared to Obama choosing the old white guy whos been in washington the longest) just doesn't work anymore.

It really feels like McCain has completely annihilated the "4 more years of Bush" line that Obama keeps using. Its not working anymore in my mind. What do you think?




  1. You couldn't be farther from the truth. You really think that since Obama chose an "old white guy" who still has more experience then Palin has anything to do with the 4 more years tagline? We will see 4 more years if McCain is elected and I am even more scared if he does get elected because everyone knows he isn't in the best health, if he died while in office (if elected) she is who we have to fall back on and that scares me almost as much as having McCain as pres. I honestly do not believe that Palin would be able to defend a country against "other wars" that McCain has repeatedly said he is going to start, and I don't think that she would be able to run a country in the condition it is in right now, or even with more wars on her plate. I have read in several articles that the biggest issue she has faced as Gov. was whether or not there would be enough snow pack for the annual race in Alaska. Hm! Thats a pretty big deal huh? So yeah, I am a believer of the 4 more years because all signs point to it!

    Even several republicans are against McCain and say there is nothing he could do-even at this point to get their support back. Just watched Ron Paul on tv saying how McCain still has Paul's supporters up in the air because of Palin.

  2. Yes. Mcbush will just keep the current economy going as it is. Vote for Obama/Biden if you didn't like Bush. They are both great canidates!

  3. More now than ever- A v****a doesnt changwe her views

  4. Then why didn't they put Palin at the top of the ticket?

    Inexperience does not equal "freshness".

  5. I think you're entirely right.

  6. McCain NOT Palin---is still the one running for president.

    McCain claiming to be about change (Washington for over 20 years, Keating 5 scandal, etc.) is laughable.

    I'm sure Sarah Palin is a nice lady, but this is about to get ugly for the Republicans. She has no idea what she's gotten herself into.

    Vote Indpendent phiosophy not phraseology---McCain ain't a maverick, Obama ain't change. There are more than 2 parties you know...

  7. abandon the Donkey and the Elephant

    The have not provided anything but a total sell out to GREED INC.

    For REAL change VOTE for the NOT a Democrat and NOT a Republican!





  8. Yes, that idea is out the door now. I loved the fact that McCain chose a woman and you couldn't have found a more qualified, intelligent, well-spoken one. Also loved the fact that she talked about no more "good old boys"......corrupt male political system.

    Obama didn't think Hillary earned running as VP with 18 million votes?? How pretentious and sexist and misogynistic of him!!

  9. Even more true as she's even farther right than McCain. Doesn't make a difference as McSame is still running for PRESIDENT.

  10. just because she is younger and cuter than McCain doesn't mean change... Her views are more right wing than either McCain or Bush.  

    lol, keep trying.

  11. Palin is George W. BUsh in a dress, can't you see?

    Bush also said he would bring change to Washington...uhhh, whatever happened to that?

  12. It still works because McSame is running for President, not Palin.  Don't forget it.  What, because you think you chose a woman means you are the totally fresh in-thing now in politics?  LOL, nice try.

  13. Even More, of the 3 Bush/McCain and Palin she is the most right wing Extremist, Conservationist, Liberals and anyone near the middle of the road politically beware if McCain takes ill.

  14. It is worse with her onboard.


    * She was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.

        * Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.

        * She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.

        * Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.

        * She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.

        * She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.

        * How closely did John McCain vet this choice? He met Sarah Palin once at a meeting. They spoke a second time, last Sunday, when he called her about being vice-president. Then he offered her the position.

    What in the h**l is McCain thinking?  I didn't like him before, I certainly don't like him now, nor do I trust his wisdom or leadership ability.

    As far as Palin:

    I know some of you think she is the second coming (for McCain and the GOP) but personally, her positions make me vomit.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  15. I think the Democrats are grabbing for straws and "4 more years of the same" is all they can come up with, since Obama is spineless.

  16. Just remember this:

  17. It'll work with the sheep he has already, but he won't get anyone new claiming they're "unchange."  He wants everyone to think that all Republicans are the same...he wants everyone to think that ANYONE who doesn't support him is the same.

  18. It makes more since.   Its not the person, its the ideology.    Biden might be an insider but has a strong record of voting for the common man,    McCain has a strong record of voting for big business.        The GOP has been Pro Big Oil for years.     It still works.

  19. Yes it does even more.

  20. It is not the words and it is not the person.  IT IS THE REALITY THAT AMERICAN IS IN DANGER.  We have already lost our position as #1 as a World Superpower.  Our dollar is only worth 50 cents to the Euro and God knows compared to the Yen.

    We are in a war that is dishonorable and losing lives plus 10 Billion dollars a month.  With no end in sight.  It has NOT HELP Americans or anyone with the exception of China and Europe who now can buy the oil for 1/2 and 1/3 of the price BEFORE the Republicans got in.

    McBush & Palin are and will just be pawns and puppets for the NEO-CONS who have kidnapped the party and are delivering America in the hands of CHINA.

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