
Does the online drivers ed questions have anything to do with the DMV permit test ?please help

by  |  earlier

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ive been doing the online drivers ed so i can take the permit test after .its asks me to read everything and theres a time limit to get to the next page .and after every unit theres a test .ive been not reading the stuff and just guessed on the questions.will this be on my permit test?




  1. Yes, those questions and more will be on the test.  Take this more seriously - it's not just your life at stake.

  2. The questions will likely be similar.  I'd suggest taking it more seriously.

  3. read the stuff or you will turn into one of the many crappy drivers that don't know the rules of the road and wonder why the  cops stop you or you are found at fault in an accident because you didn't yield the right of way where you should have.  

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