
Does the outskirts of a city count as the city?

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does the outskirts of a city count as the city?




  1. Not really.

  2. i would think so

  3. yes because it is all connected

  4. It depend on how far out. Our city is expanding to the North and yes it's still considered the city.

  5. It depends on the city limit lines.

  6. its a matter of administrative arrangement. They could extend the city council boundaries to accommodate the most recent growth, or peripheral suburbs etc, which would make it the same city politically, or they could divide the responsibility so another council or local administration looks after the outskirts, and then its not formally part of the city, though is part of the greater area

  7. Anything within the city limits counts. Outside the city limits, it's generally called the "greater metropolitan area."

  8. yes , think of it more as teh crust of bread, it is still part of it.

    hope i helped :D

  9. The "City limits" are actually drawn prescribed lines on a map. The areas outside these "limits" are called the suburbs.

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