
Does the pain of trapped wind come and go?

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Or is it constant? I've had this pain come and go since lunchtime and it feels like trapped wind.




  1. Try a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of warm water.

    It will either come up (burp) or go down ****!

    It's jolly painful though.

    do a few toe touching exercises, might help it up or down.

  2. yes it does come & go...with body movement & it's incredibly painful at should pass though - don't worry!

  3. yes trapped wind does come and go, and usually it moves around. Sometimes it can be extremely painful, especially if it is in the chest..but then when it works it's way down to your lower abdomen...then it's really painful, even to f**t...sorry maybe a little to much info there, but tell it how it is.

    Go to the chemist and buy some Windeze capsules.

  4. It can do until it disperses, drink warm water or take a Rene or something similar

  5. have a drink of warm water it should shift it.

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