
Does the physical make up of a black man makes him less compatible to play ice hockey?

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Does the physical make up of a black man makes him less compatible to play ice hockey?




  1. You are not smart! The reason why blacks dont play is because there families cant afford to get them in the game at a young age because its very expensive, so they go and play basketball for free!

  2. That is the dumbest thing I ever heard.  No it has nothing to do with it.  How come there are not more white people in basketball, or running track, etc... come on!

    GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. People play, and excel at a sport usually because of tradition, their parents played the sport and took them to games from an early age.

    There are no genetic differences that make one race better at some sports and not good at other sports.

    If someone is exposed to a sport from an early age that person may become a good player, and if someone does not play or even watch a sport from an early age then that person is not likely to become a good player in that sport.

  4. Ask Jarome Iginla, Georges Laraque, Mike Grier, Anson Carter, etc... this question.  Odds are, they'd say no.

    However, hockey does have many barriers to entry due to availability of ice rinks, cost, and negative perceptions (especially in the US), none of which involve one's physical makeup.

  5. Hi

    Correct, and whites can not jump, asians are best at math, and cant drive. Oh and Euros can not play physical hockey. Once again a Yahoo Answers user provides us with a great example of ignorance.

    Thank You

  6. No, but geography does. Seriously, study the migration of blacks since the slave trade and you'll find populations of blacks lower in northern regions. Understanding that hockey is (used to be) a cold-climate sport, it makes sense that less blacks play. As for being ABLE physically to play, that's silly.

  7. It has more to do with black culture and socioeconomic factors.  Hockey is expensive and is popular up north, where the affluent white people are.  Basketball requires a hoop and a ball and is ideal on a hot day in geogia.  There is a perception that hockey isn't flashy enough like football or baseball, but some of the better goalies and skaters have some moves that are dazzling if you understand (read: have played) hockey.

  8. Someone should have told the kids who played hockey for me when they were young. Two of the best athletes I ever had playing hockey for me in Whitby Ontario were West Indian in background. Both dropped out of hockey after high school. One took a soccer Scholarship to an American University. I don't know what happened to him but I don't follow soccer.

    The other took a football scholarship to Kent State where he was a third round draft in the NFL. I wish he had of stayed in hockey though at 6'-7" and 265 lbs he would be a formidable presence on the rink.

    Both boys were excellent athletes and excelled in hockey as well as other sports.

    Whether the cost of hockey played a part in their choices I don't know but their was no lack of ability in their make up regardless of colour.

    BTW is it just a coincidence or do the people that ask these stupid racist questions never except Email or have any history on Y!A.

  9. Considering I spent many hours in college in Economic Geography classes, Buffalo Boys makes a great point.  Some blacks (as well as whites) grow up impoverished in urban pockets.  Not only can they not afford the expenses(equipment, ice time), they also have virtually no access to an ice rink.  They excell at basketball and football do to the affordability and access to correct playing facilities.  

    Spaceboy also makes a good point because outside major urban areas, the population is not that significant in the traditional hockey areas.

  10. alright, what is it? It is more like maybe he is just not interested, like so many others. gosh, what is wrong with people!

  11. not any less than the physical makeup of any other pigmentation.

    Asians, Latinos, Scandanavians, Russians, North Americans all play. pretty much every continent is represented except Antarctica. and the Penguins play, so there goes that idea.

    tom - it's NOT a coincidence. these are usually planted questions by Y/A staff to ... s.t.p.

    you'll also notice that this will go to voting.

  12. How does it make him "less compatible?" I'm reminded of a Chris Rock stand-up where "when black people gets over the cold temperatures, we'll dominate hockey too!"

  13. I don't think so. Trevor Daley of the Stars, Jerome Iginla from Calgary (first black captain in NHL history), Grant Fuhr who is a hall of fame goalie and many more are all/were phenomenal players.

    You don't see an influx of black players mainly because of socioeconomics. Hockey is an expensive game to play, and sadly (in America anyway) most African Americans live in the inner-city where it’s easier and cheaper to play basketball or football.

  14. well, the joke goes like this:

    1.  It's too d**n cold

    2.  Don't want to be chased by a guy in Jason mask

    3.  Don't want to be chased by 9 white guys with sticks

    4.  Don't want the gold tooth or grillz knocked out

    5.  Do not yet feel the need to dominate yet another sport.

  15. No, it's the fact that hockey is a sport you play and become a fan of if you grow up around people who play it and watch it.  The black hockey players are Canadians who grew up around everyone who likes hockey.  Most black Americans grow up idolizing basketball and football players because that is who they see on TV.  In Canada you see hockey players.  Hockey is also a harder sport to break into in the U.S.  Basketball is the easiest and cheapest sport to get into.  You can go to any park and practice all day everyday for free.  And to get a game going you only need a few people.

    We all are products of our environment, and lets face it, black Americans aren't exactly exposed to a lot of hockey.  Black Canadians are, but I really don't think there are a lot of them in Canada, I could be wrong though.

  16. I didn't realize that the physical make up of a black man was that different than a white man.

  17. NO WAY!!!!!! If he can play thats all that should matter!!!!

  18. There is a slight difference in the ankle region I think. Not that it is enough to make an impact on skating.

    *** Pens has nothing to do with strength...I THINK it is more angular than anything.

  19. I always heard something about them having weak ankles and that affected their skating. That doesn't make much sense to me though because they play football at a high level and obviously use their ankles to run.
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