
Does the pill make you gain weight?

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ive been on the pill for almost 2 months now.

and i've been noticing the scale tipping the direction i don't want it to go.

and i'm thinking about how my diet and exercise hasn't changed. and the pills are the only thing i can think is the problem.

any advice on how to lose the weight?

are the pills the culprit?




  1. yeah i started taking yaz and i gained about 10-15 pounds. first i think the hormones put on some pounds... but also it made me just want to eat all day long. so if you give into those cravings that's where a lot of weight comes from. but it is different for make sure you aren't overeating. i just exercise and eat like 1400 calories a day. and limit my fat intake, i just eat healthy foods. it is hard but it is worth it!

  2. I haven't gained any weight on the pill, but I have noticed that I have a bigger appetite. Not only do I have a bigger appetite, but I get hungry at night before I go to bed. I think that's why people gain weight.

  3. The pill can cause you to retain water which may increase your weight. Talk to your doctor about solutions.

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