
Does the pope sanction "democracy" as a righteous reason for war?

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If the pope does not sanction a war you get a police action and no one wants to join up. Therefore when the pope sanctions a righteous reason for a war he is a militant. Benedict will sanction a war against Israel because they assassinated julius Caesar and his son.




  1. I repeat, real history is much more interesting than the stuff you are making up.

    Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C.E.

    Even if the Jews did the deed, why would the new born Christian Church founded about 33 C.E. by Jesus Christ concern themselves about the the death of the leader of the government that was persecuting them?

    With love in Christ.

  2. there have been many popes and some who sanctioned and participated in war. in medieval times they sanctioned torture and burning people alive. things have changed and nobody much knows where they stand. they remain mysterious to avoid anything controversial. that is their no. 1 job, keeping down controversy while at the same same time keeping a presence amongst their followers, like the royalty and some modern politicians.

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