
Does the president actually have as much power as people give credit for?

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As in, people expect promises of fantastic, radical change with one president (and since they expect those promises they are given); but does the President actually have enough power to drastically changes economy and policy all by him/herself? I suppose a better question is he "suppose" to have that much power; things they do that step outside the bounds of executive power don't count.

I know a president can suggest legislation that will get a little bit more attention then if a lowly citizen suggested it; but that still supposedly requires the participation of representatives and senators; who's election races do not get the same kind of fervor.

And I'm probably leaning more towards positive changes; since it seems (to me) incredibly easy to break a country, and improving it is an uphill battle.

What else can a president do besides that? Anything significant that doesn't involve the approval of congress?




  1. He has the power to suggest and veto or sign into law legislation passed by congress but on his own - nada!

  2. it depends, the dems. blame bush for everything even the weather

  3. Alone, the Prez doesn't have much power, but he has tremendous influence. Hia ability to make very prestigious appointments causes people to submit to his wishes. Congress members want to stay on the presidents good side. And usually, future candidates want to Prez's endorsement (Election 2008 will be an exception, as was Election 2000)

    And the ability to give a Presidential Pardon is priceless. And the Presidents give these as he's walking out of the White House for the last time.

    There is also the tone he sets with our allies overseas. He controls how much money we'll give to other countries. And we're usually pretty generous.

    Don't think the Prez doesn't call Comgress members intoo his office for a private conversation. An example of  the Prez exerting influence: President Bush could declare war in Iraq, decide a pre-emptive stike was needed before we captured Bin Laden, and basically outsource the war with contractors. The Congress had the right to refuse funding (in effect stop the war) but they were afraid of what that would do to their careers. :

    There are other ways that a President can wield his influence things he can't control. And some President have more influence than others. But to say the Prez of America doesn't have power is naive.

  4. We give our president the power when we elect them and i hope obama is elected I think it would show our country is ready for real change.  

  5. No, he doesn't.

  6. Actually the President is at the mercy of Congress.  The President that has a majority of Congress belonging to the same party, does pretty well but when they don't have a majority in the congress, they can not do too much.  Each President is supposed to have the approval of Congress before they take this country into a war, unless it is a war declared against us.  Not one President has followed this procedure, not even George Washington!  Congress has allowed this to continue to this date, they are not doing their jobs, never have followed the Constitution!

  7. Our Country has gone down the drain since slick Willy left office in 2001.  I sure hope powder keg John doesn't win in November.  If he does our nation might never recover.  Powder Keg John might go and start a war with Iran and after chasing those elusive WMD"s all over Iraq and never finding them by the way.  And being attacked by the Taliban and then personally flying his family out of the nation.  With all of our technology you'd think we'd have found the man by now.  Unless since he is a former CIA employee they really do not wish to find him.  No other President has ever had such an attack on our nation that G W Bush has.  When Pearl Harbor hit Hawaii was only a territory.  NYC is our biggest city for goodness sakes.  They got the Pentagon too!.  Where was GW Bush when this went down?? Entertaining children in a Florida schoolhouse.  He should have had those jetliners shot down BEFORE they hit the world trade center

  8. Historically with our governments "Checks and Balance", traditionally the President was the figure head of the government, power broker, and Commander and Chief. With the advent of the Patriotic Act, no President has mustard as much power as President George Bush. In addition, the office of the Presidency carries more weight than a single Senator, House Representative, and even the entire Supreme Court Justices combined as the face of the nation.  

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