
Does the psi wheel actually work?

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i have been reading up about the psi wheel and have seen some very convincing youtube footage?

Does it actually work?




  1. It depends on what you mean by "work". If you mean

    does it rotate without apparent motive force, then yes

    it does. That motive force, of course, is likely convection

    currents from the warmth of your hand.

    If you want a real test for psi claimers, then the Crooke's

    Radiometer is your ticket. You can get one of these through

    Edmond Scientific. This is a  4 vaned device of a similar

    design that is sealed in an airtight, partially evacuated

    glass bulb. The vanes are painted black on one side

    and white on the other. If radiant energy falls on the black

    side, then atoms of what air is left in the bulb

    are heated, causing a kick that

    will make the radiometer vanes rotate.  

    So far as I know, there has never been an alleged psi

    person who could make the vanes of a radiometer


  2. No, it doesn't. Sounds like a true believer edited that WIkipedia entry which somebody flagged for needing supporting citations (which of course don't exist).

    The Wikipedia article did mention at least one non-paranormal mechanism for how the wheel could be made to move. I'd also suspect drafts, breath, and an unsteady support. If you really want to experiment with this, place the wheel inside a clear containers and seal the container. Place the container on a very solid, heavy piece of furniture so it doesn't wobble. Then, start practicing your powers.

    By the way, youtube is a haven for hoax videos of all kinds. It's very easy to make and creatively edit videos nowadays.

  3. Psi wheels are just another in a long line of hoaxes invented and perpetrated by crackpots.

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