
Does the queen have any influence in british politics?

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Does the queen have any influence in british politics?




  1. no

  2. yes. She can disolve parliament but thats it.

  3. No and she should be tied up and thrown to the Irish for their amusement

  4. british people are ugly.

  5. No.  Her role is ceremonial.

    I agree with Dave H - she is one of the few people who actually gives a d**n about this country.

    And missgoodytwoshoes needs get her facts right!  The taxpayer contributes only around 60p a year to the Royal family.  We pay a h**l of lot more to support MPs' ludicrous expenses claims and keep dole scroungers living in comfort, however!

  6. All relative bills and acts as such need to go through the monarchy and other boring stuff.

    It doesn't necessarily mean the queen has any say on them though.

    The monarchy used to be the "government" centuries ago before parliament came in, so it still has some powers given to the head of country.

  7. Her opinion might influence some members of Parliament, but as for edicts and laws of the land, I would guess, no. I asked a co-worker who was born in England, why the                                                                                  Queen, who is one of the riches woman in the world, is given  such a large income every year if she has no power? his reply was , something you yanks don't understand, 'tradition'.

  8. some influence indirectly.

  9. I believe she does actually. I believe she can encourage the House of Lords and the House of Commons to go to war and I believe that the Prime Minister answers to her in some form. I don't live in England so this is all just my guess. ^_^

  10. More than most people who are not in the 'know' would believe.

  11. She has a vote

  12. No. Queen command politics.

  13. None!Whatsoever!!

  14. NO. Unlike Presidents she is just head of state, unfortunately, as I would be very pleased if she dismissed the present dimwits and called a General Election tomorrow.

    To those who say that she is given Millions by the tax payer, just think that all the Crown Lands income go to the Government first, that is a 100% tax on her holdings. The reason for this is historic and happened when the then Regent George IV was squandering the royal assets and the then government took the lands off him and gave him an allowance to prevent him selling off the land that was keeping the monarchy. Thus rather than us supporting the Royal family they are supporting the government. Maybe we should allow the crown lands to return to the Monarch and for her to pay 40% tax, which would enable her to easily support the whole family.

  15. No law making powers are decided by parliament alone, the queen as no say in those matters, she is the national figure head with status but no real power, in the mid 1600s cromwell made parliament the governing body over the state, thus creating the democratic election prosess giving people the say

  16. The Queen is basically just a figurehead to which Britain is identified; an old tradition not neccessary in today's world.

  17. She has very little actual influence.

    However, the prime minister reports to her on a regular basis and it is she that invites a new party leader to form a government - known of course, as "Her Majesty's Goverment".

    Also, any new bill that is passed through parliament, needs her signature (or royal assent) before it becomes law.

    I think this is automatic though and I don't know of any cases where royal assent has been refused, in recent times.

    At the annual opening of parliament, she delivers 'the Queen's speech' of course, which roughly outlines the aims of the ruling party for the next parliamentary session.

    I think though, that the speech is largely written for her by the party leaders.

  18. Unfortunately not.  Quite sad really, since she is probably one of the very few people nowadays that actually cares about this country.

    Note for misgoodytwoshoes - Grow up and get an education, then come back with an informed opinion, rather than the ill conceived drivel your currently spewing up !!

  19. She can dissolve parliament anytime she wants to, although I dont think she would actually bother. Someone once told me that she is above the law, but i dont know if thats true.

    All of you that think the royal family is a waste of time and money ought to get your history books out. either that or **** off and live somewhere else, in a fascist dictatorship perhaps.

    My comments are not directed to any individual personally, and I use a fascist dictatorship as an example of how much worse off it could be. Just thought I would clear that up.

  20. No! she is required to sign stuff, which, if she didn,t sign would mean the end of this sponging lot, so obviously she WILL sign. In the meantime we will just have to put up with listening to all those who have a vested interest in the monarchy being there, telling us how lucky we are to have them.

    I,m off now, I,m just about to take the tax payer,s helicopter and pick up little bro.  to accompany one in a game of golf.


                I didn,t say I would prefare a fascist regime, I would just prefare it if the royals here didn,t consider themselves as being on another planet to the rest of us and maybe did what the remaining royals in Europe do ie get on a bike and enter  the real world from time to time.

    I watched the future king on the news yesterday, (the guardian of the faith) in salute to our brave forces (the guardians of our country) displaying his chest full of medals I personally consider that an insult to these brave men and women.

    Don,t tell me to **** off and live in another country just because I refuse to swallow all the shite that some would have me swallow.

  21. Not really, but she does perform certain conventions, such as asking the leader of the majority party to form a government.

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