
Does the "Marijuana" Cannabis Sativa plant give out a lot of oxygen and take in a lot of Carbon Dioxide?

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Does the "Marijuana" Cannabis Sativa plant give out a lot of oxygen and take in a lot of Carbon Dioxide?




  1. i herd marrywanna is responsblie 4 ovurpoapulation annd lgobal coling.

  2. Yes and different from any other plant. In fact, many growers inject CO2 into the grow area in order to get happier plants (larger yields). Cannabis is also better able to handle heat if the CO2 level is higher, so growers than are in confined areas with hot grow lights will use CO2 injection for that reason as well.


  3. Yes to both. Most weeds are very beneficial to the ozone layer etc. They also give off a lovely aroma, so ventilate well.

  4. yes. marijuana plants LOVE carbon dioxide. indoor growers get tanks filled with carbon dioxide and have it spraying all over the plants in rooms their in, wich makes allot of THC and oxygen.

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