
Does the "green movement" interest you?????

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What I mean is, when you hear about everyone "going green" and trying to be green (basically save the earth stuff) do you tend to shy away from it? Or are you interested in that sort of stuff and do you actually try to do green things????

My mom witnessed a lady tossing a cup out of her car onto the parking lot pavement earlier today, this is what made me want to ask this question?

Anyone have any particularly interesting ways of going green that you've heard of or that you've actually done???? I'd love to hear some new things.....




  1. I find it exciting - there's so many possibilities for new inventions.  Just look how far we've come with solar panels - you can buy ones that look like shingles now!  I can't wait to see what people come up with next.  

    I started working for an environmentally friendly company about a year ago, and have been amazed at the mental 'environment' of the company.  The people I work with are far more friendly and respectful to each other than I've encountered in previous jobs.  They get excited by snakes and turtles, take part in local cleanups, cheerfully share rides, ideas, and new 'green' products.  (not to mention their garden fresh tomatoes taste way better than anything in the grocery store!)  

    Yes, there's a lot of nay-sayers about this, but I don't understand why they get so offended.  We're not saying it's THEIR fault, we're just saying, Try this! It's easy!  It might help. It might even be better.  Only one way to find out . . .

  2. Unfortunately we live in era of cheap goods and  a throwaway culture;I recycle most of the household waste,always have done but I do not believe in the Global warming theory,just a lot of Government scaremongering, to gather more taxes.

  3. Any time we see the word movement associated with anything, we should be aware of the reality of a possible scam.  The "green movement" serves the interests of political statesman, corporations, manufacturers, builders, and those who benefit from the superior technology. I'm fine with that fact, however to believe that by purcha$ing green products, we are going to some how save the earth, well that's where I have to rain on your parade.  

    It may make you feel good by finding ways to be "GREEN TM." and that's fine too, people should feel good.  We should feel good about our lifestyles, our lively hood, our educational systems, our political arena, our health, economy, and our liberties.  What?  What,s that, oh I didn't know, you mean all of those institutions are falling apart?  Well  we should feel good any way, we should learn to become one with the universe and concentrate all our metaphysical energies into this great big ball of light, and love, and peace, and  prosperity....  We can all just live together and feel the warmth of our goodness, and love will find the way. oh yeah love will find the screeeeeech.  

    No, reality and  true thought will expose all lies, and like a blinding light truth will seer into the fabric of society and awaken us, the only thing green about all of this malarkey is your CA$H which as we speak is spiraling down into the abyss and your doctor will tell you, mass movements are bad.

  4. No, I'm a capitalist for life.

  5. It is just a big scam like global warming.

    There is no global warming and =IF there was man and money couldn't do anything about it.

  6. I love being green. It was the way I was raised and I love that more people are waking up to the idea of sustainable living.

    For ideas on going green, check out this blog:

  7. Yes. The Green Movement interests me.

    I currently work on a small independent farm. I have learned how all things of nature are interconnected. When someone works with the land and observes all the amazing things that happen, you begin to realize Great Magic. It brings amazing happiness to be working with things of complete Truth, like weather, nature, animals, the mother Earth....they never lie.

    I geuss the days of depending on the forest's gifts are gone, so I figure that farming is the closest thing to living life strongly. I'm a Red Man, so in a way farming is the best way in this day of age to honor and walk with the ancestors.  

    I had a job in a factory once and came to realize that It was destroying the earth and my spirit, my actions were bringing more harm than help. So I quit and got a job on a farm where Magic Happens.

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