
Does the race have a relation with the behaviour?

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Farah I am fed up of the category and blocked half the users there , They know respect to the others especially after what they done do Gigi though she didn't do anything wrong except expressing her patriotism in a teeny weeny way , i will never be there anymore , let them dwell the way they like there




  1. No every one has a *****le

  2. I can't answer you for sure, but my dad is from Turkish origins too. My mom's family is originally from upper Egypt. You figure out the combination! hehehe

    I am very stubborn and have a passionate fiery personality too. I have a terrible temper, though I am not that easily provoked. When I do blow up, all h**l breaks loose! However, I definitely don't subscribe to the revenge theory.

    I don't know if this personality is due to heredity or upbringing. However, it's just who I am.


    I wanted to send you a message, but you disabled it. I'll just have to tell you what I want here. YA is like real life. You deal with all sorts of people. Some you like and some you don't. Some you choose to deal with and some you just ignore and block. However, you should never ever retreat and withdraw from facing any challenge you meet. Put that Turkish stubbornness to some good use and speak out your mind loud and clear! Don't give up and leave.

  3. The way a person acts is to do with their personality not their race. I mean things like the way you are bought up, and the people that influence you could affect your personality. But I think race has nothing to do with it....I mean surely that is how prejudice and stereotypes are born, by assuming that people of a certain race behave and act in a certain way???

  4. Correction: The Dutch are the most famous to be misers not the Scottish  ,,lol

    We can summarize the answer:

    1)  Tool of productions:   it is known that the behaviors of humans are affected by the tool of productions (Swiss are very accurate, most of their production is related to the fine tools, timing, accuracy …etc)… beduans are famous of hard behavior  (like the dry hard environment of their jobs),,, people who live near the sea are famous of traveling, acceptance of new things , (well their work is related to the sea),, Doctors are famous kindness’  and full of mercy (well they are dealing with live and death, new born, children), Policemen are famous of being rude (they are dealing with criminals)…. In a wider picture people of a same race will probably share almost the same behaviors according to the dominant activities they are doing.

    2) Environment and living conditions: It is said that, ‘’the same conditions lead to the same results,’’ well if a race is living the same environmental conditions, same education, same culture (ideology or traditions) same political environment…etc they will have almost the same behaviors

    3) Inheritance:  we inherit behaviors , subconsciously,,,, all human love  green landscapes, and the sound of water,  for our great grandparents  that gave a sign of food and water availability (surviving)  now still we love them , even when we have a fridge full of water and food,,,, This love is an inherited  behavior gained ,,, in the same way , children inherit behaviors from their parents , so a race will have almost the same inherited behaviors,,, (in case the racial marriage the children will inherit from both the parents , but the dominant  behaviors inherited will be from the dominant parent in the Dominant &Submission  relation).

    4) Way of living and Architecture: The architecture is the only living art (well can be the most dominant culture in a society),, a race will be very affected by the way they live, as example: Egyptians are living in a very sticky buildings very narrow streets, they became like their architecture, and buildings, sticky and nosy,,   well that is constant almost for the same race..

    5) Wealth and comfort: the same race share almost  the same wealth and comfort conditiond , so their behaviors will be almost the same, (security, insecurity, better education, even better nutrition (which plays a part in the behavior: lots of amino from beef give the character a wild attitude, from fish or vegetable, less wild…etc)

    Applying all the above mentioned  on one race: you will see how they almost have the same behaviors

  5. you never said what your roots are

  6. I would say more the socialization associated with one's race. We are taught norms and mores by those that rear us. As most of us are raised by those of the same race as us, we learn these stereotypical ethnic traits, it follows logically that these are seen as ethnic traits.

    Truth be told, just about every ethnic group can be said to be known for passionate temperment. This is a human quality.

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