
Does the rest of the world outside of the U.S. matter?

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In a world that is more and more interconnected and interdependent it seems America is out of step with much of the world on many major issues, does it matter? Do we need to cooperate with other nations in efforts such as the War on Terror and Global Warming, or can they just be dismissed as "socialists" and "Marxists"?




  1. It most certainly does matter. Unfortunately many Americans believe that there is no country better than US. I must say that many countries around the world are way better than US and only few countries in the world are worth than US.

  2. It does matter and we do work with them. I just did a NATO assignment and I'll tell you that the foreign nationals I worked with don't think on the same lines as the foreign press.  We do not dismiss them as socialists or marxists.  And they know that most Americans are environmentally friendly.  Get off your high horse and go live in another country for a while, get to know the people.  You may be surprised.  

  3. the American paranoia of everything not American is a dangerous thing.

  4. Absolutely 100% of the time. we are all in this together like it or not, we are all connected, man, animal, fish, all life is connected if it is hard for one it will in time be hard for all.  

  5. kill a commie for mommy, nope not here in the u.s.kkk.of a.

  6. The day our country learns to communicate outside of itself, will be the day pigs fly. Us americans are to caught up in this "wishy-washy" garbage that bombards our televisions. EVERY event that occurs nowadays is breaking news...

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