
Does the savanna in south africa have plants?

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Does the savanna in south africa have plants?




  1. no

  2. Plants and Vegetation in

    South Africa

    With more than 20,000 different plants, which are about 10 per cent of all the plants of the earth, South Africa is particularly rich in species. About 8000 of the species are concentrated on the small region of the Western Cape. The fynbos vegetation zone at the Cape is one of the six Floral Kingdoms of the earth.It mainly consists of evergreen hard-leave plants with usually fine, needle-like leaves. The fynbos is particularly rich in splendid blossom-plants, in the first place the wonderful proteas, of which alone there are some 130 different species. Because of their many different shapes, sizes, colours and qualities, the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus named them after the Greek god Proteus who, according to the mythology, able to change his appearance whichever way he wanted.

  3. In the savanna there is just enough water for a couple of plants. It's the landscape nearest by the desert, so there is not much. but if you know the movie the lion king you see some faded plants.

  4. part of the definition of savanna is "grassland" so if it did not at least have grass, it would be called something else.

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