
Does the scale read more, less or the same weight when you are standing on one foot?

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Imagine standing on a bathroom scale and

reading your weight. Now lift one foot and

read your weight again.

Does the scale read more, less or the same

weight when you are standing on one foot?




  1. The scale should register the same weight. The only quantity which has changed is the pressure you exert on the top of the scale. However, assuming that the pan of the scale is rigid, your weight acts at the support of the pan, and the same force is registered.

  2. You would still have the exact same mass.

    If you did this on a scale where balance wouldnt be affected (ie standing on one side of the scale vice in the middle), you would be the same.

    If you are using a common house scale, and the angle is off (it has springs wanting to read both sides), you would way less, but not physically less!

  3. it actually depends on the specific location of your foot. if your foot is in the air then that means your balance shifted to the other leg therefore all the weight of two feet goes onto one leg. if your other foot is on the floor then you have an equal distribution of weight so it will weigh significantly less than you as a whole.

  4. i tried it a long time ago when i was at my cousin's house, we were weighing ourselves, part of the fun in a girl's sleepover. Anyway....i do recall having less when one foot was removed although only a few pounds of dfference. again i'm not completely sure because it was a long time ago.

  5. The scale should register the same weight. The only quantity which has changed is the pressure you exert on the top of the scale. However, assuming that the pan of the scale is rigid, your weight acts at the support of the pan, and the same force is registered.

  6. Weight is a force that measures the graviatational attraction on the mass of your body. Standing on one or two feet doesn't affect the mass of your body or the Earth's gravitational attraction.

  7. The same.  by lifting your one foot, you have not changed the force of gravity on your body, you have just changed how the force is distributed at the surface of the scale. The scale meaures the force of gravity at the surface of the scale.  You should weigh the same, if you don't it's because you are now holding on the wall to keep your balance or something like that.

  8. As long as all your weight is being placed on the scale (i.e your other foot is not on the floor), the weight should not change.

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