
Does the scent of marijuana attract skunks?

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I've heard that marijuana smells like skunks. I'm not expecting a 100% answer. I've heard stories and I'm just curious if there is any evidence to support this hypothesis.




  1.  just happened to me.. i had been outside just after dark with a bowl smoking for about 10 minutes and he came within a few feet of me and was sniffing like crazy, i just stood up and walked inside. he didn't spray or seem scared , he kinda acted curious about the smoke that was lingering

  2. yes!

  3. for sure.. the other night my buddy and i were smoking a joint outside.. and we noticed something move in the bushes.. sure enough it was a couple of skunks creeping towards us.. we freaked and ran in the house.. :D

  4. Whenever i smoke a joint at night outside , a skunk comes and joins the party so i would say yes it attracts them. its very annoying for me

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