
Does the server know I left them a tip?

by  |  earlier

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when I leave a tip on my debt card instead of the table does the server know I tipped or do they think I'm a loser that doesnt tip.




  1. They know...they dont think you are loser............

  2. At the restaurant where I work we can see the tip when we close out the table.  You put in the total amount and it will ask you if the tip was x amount of dollars.

    Example:  Your bill was 25.00,  you are leaving a 5.00 tip and you wrote 30.00 on the bottom of the slip, I would go into close credit card, then I would type in the amount of 30.00 and it will say tip 5.00 and I will hit yes on the screen.  It then closes out the credit card.

  3. are you writing in the tip in invisible ink? if not then they probably see it. keep up the good work.

  4. It depends on how you do it i suppose. Im assuming however that your signing the credit slip and writing the tip in, in that case they absolutely know. If its at a front door register type thing the money goes to the server as well so in either case yes they know. I hope this helped

  5. If you pay at a central register, then no, they probably don't know.  However, you are just one of many people who do the exact same thing every single day - the waiter/waitress will be used to it and won't think anything of it.

    If the waiter/waitress is also your cashier, then they obviously see the tip on the slip when they collect it.  However, some restaurants may make the server wait for their paycheck to collect that tip, or may retain a part of that tip in a tip sharing program.  At the very least, tips on a card have a paper trail and will be taxable.  Whenever possible, tip your server in cash, that will allow them to tip out and declare income in the mannaer that is most beneficial to them.

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