
Does the s*x or race of the president really matter?

by Guest57309  |  earlier

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How does the s*x of the president matter on how well a president will/can function?

How does the race of the president matter on how well a president will/can function?




  1. Oh s*x and race matter a lot if that is all we are going to hear for the next four years is about being a woman or racism. That will be the excuse and answer for every problem.

  2. nope....condoleeza rice would make an EXCELLENT president!

  3. Absolutely nothing.  Race/s*x don't matter how a president function.  However, It does matter to voters - race and s*x discrimination is widespread in the United States and we are infamous for this discrimination.  Why do you think the U.S. has more lawyers than any other country?

  4. Objectively no, it doesn't, but there are just some people who don't see that. However, one thing I will say is that just because someone is a different race or s*x from what we've had occupying the White House thus far doesn't mean they'll do any better there.

  5. Sorry,I'm English and I do think it matters,from a P.R. point of view.The world needs to remember what America stands for...anyone can be President...not just wasps

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