
Does the show "Black Poker Stars Invitational" on BET ever have white contestants?

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Sure seems like a racist thing if there aren't any whites. How do you think a "White Poker Stars Invitational" would go over?




  1. No, BET is a racist station run by executives who thrive on prejudice

  2. Like a lead balloon.  There is noway our bleeding heart liberal media would let that fly.  I see "Black Expo", why not a "White Expo"?  I could go on, but Karen at Yahoo! Customer Care would delete it.

  3. well, since its BLACK poker stars, and its on the BET, id say no, there arent white people.

    White Poker Stars Invitational seems like the creator would be put in jail

  4. Don't let it bother you...everytime there's a "[insert race here]" competition, that basically implies that they can't possibly hope to compete in the "real" events...

  5. I agree in what you are saying 100%. I think people today are so hung up on being sorry, because someone they did not even know 200 years ago might have owned there great, great, great, great uncle as a slave. Now i never hung anyone or made anyone work as my slave so i don't try and say sorry for something that happened a long time ago before i was ever born. Now that being said i do see this as a racist network, and i think i have seen more reverse discrimination against whites then ever before, and this is just 1 more example. Why can't they have a ''human being'' poker invitatonal instead. People are always talking about how whites hate blacks, but blacks hate white people just as much in there hearts, i can't tell you guys how many times i,ve  been called white boy, or cracker by black people...

  6. No, there are no white players.

    What are you going to whine about next, Ladies of Poker?  After all, that's sexist, right?

    How about the Bad Boys of Poker?  It's about time we take steps to wipe out Nice-Guyism in this country!  The Barry Greensteins and Dan Harringtons of the poker world have suffered long enough!

    And Celebrity tournaments; talk about discrimination!  Nobody Schmucks of the World Unite!  Stamp out Fame!

    It's an invitational, not an open, so there's nothing racist about it.  They invite some black people to play, they play.

    Get over it.


    Sincity, you are sooooo full of c**p.  Black people call you 'cracker' all the time?!

    If anyone, ever, of any color, in any setting, called you a 'cracker', and you didn't LAUGH YOU *** OFF because of how ridiculous they sounded, you deserve all the shame and humiliation you are pretending you felt.

  7. I think that you missed the first word of this sentence.

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