
Does the smoke left behind by fireworks contribute to to air pollution?

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Watched fireworks yesterday and it deposited a lot of smoke, so does it?




  1. Not enough to make a difference. Get a grip.

  2. not enough to make a difference.

    I love the smell of black powder smoke in the air... smells like... INDEPENDENCE

  3. Any kind of smoke depletes the O-Zone layer.

  4. A couple years ago, an in-depth chemical analysis was performed of the water in the Disney lagoon over which fireworks have been fired every night for years.

    The results? Almost no detectable residue. And that's many years worth of nightly fireworks.

    One nights worth? Less than barely detectable is, I suppose still detectable at some level, but significant? Not so much. Make one less trip to the mall in your car and you've probably offset more pollution than all the fireworks in your state.

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