
Does the smokey eye look okay on me? pic included.?

by  |  earlier

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be honest.

and i know its a crappy pic... but now my photobooth isnt working so sorry about that =/

i personally dont even like the look on me but idk i just want somone else's opinion?

be honestttt pleaseeee.

here's the pic:




  1. YOu are a very pretty girl!

    but hun don't over do it! you are very pretty and you shouldn't cover that up!

    but i think with your eyes the smokey eye looks good just needs to be toned down a little bit!

    YOu don't want your make up to be a distraction to the hotttay guys out there!

  2. WTF?!

  3. no you should try a thicker eye liner

    on top with the same amount you use on bottom

    with a light brown shimmery eye shadow it will

    compliment your eyes and it goes with everything

    the smokey eye is way to dramatic it's like a drag

    queen kind of thing to do

  4. instead of black use a dark brown or tupae(however you spell it. and add aome black liner and volume mascara. oh and some light shimmery white or silver peach or nude color for highligts on the eye!

    answer mine??;...

  5. dnt listen to what everyone says the silver is hot!! i love eye shadow!!! take a look!!!

  6. I don't think you need that much.  Try just smudging the eyeliner a little bit.  That will enhance without looking overdone.

  7. It looks great.  

  8. pretty! weird pose though lol, put less on though, you're too pretty to put that much on:) but maybe when you're going out for something like a dance, i think ts fine

  9. it looks great hun =]


  10. no sorry your pretty dont ruin it

  11. No, I like it!

    But ease up on the shading! I actually did a really light brown smokey look today.


  12. no yew are pretty

    but that looks ugly on yew

  13. You are a gorgeous girl just stick to regular eye shadow. You are better off without a smokey eye and you dont need any eye make up. You are gorgeous just stick with lipstick/lipgloss/chapstick for shiny and non chap lips :)

  14. theres only one picture and its kindve poor quality. show us it in the light..not of you sitting in a dark room??.....yeahhhhhh

  15. I really dont want to sound rude on this computer cause sometimes when people read it,it sounds mean.

    It looks good you just kinda over did it,you need to blend it more.

  16. actually you'd look better in your original style this doesn't really look goood, try light pink

  17. ease up on the smudgin hun. your pretty on your own let it show!

  18. Yeah, you look pretty, just not with that look.  

  19. No, i think its too much.

  20. Maybe if you play it down a little and don't use such dark colors, it will look better. Dry a more medium brown or purple. That would be pretty.

  21. No i am sorry..maybe do it less dramatic  

  22. I think it looks pretty, but it looks a bit over done to be honest.

    Tone it down a couple steps, and I'm sure it would look great.

    I love your hair haha.

  23. you look so pretty and i think that you do not need it but look find with it on.

  24. it looks ok

    just dont over do it.

  25. I think it looks great. Though u probly don't care cuz it's from a  :) annnd BTW you do a great job with your makeup.

    ROCK ON. d[]-_-[]b

  26. Your really pretty and i think it kinda ruins it...but dont let it get you down. ur hot.

  27. LMAO!!!! take another picture! you look like your struggling to breathe!  it would look better without the silver..

  28. Looks pretty good, just dont overdo it.

  29. Im sorry but no...

    Its too dark and too much for you.

    Try something else that works better for you.

  30. Ehh its okay. Don't overdue it with the black im not being mean but it looks a little clowny so i say use a little bit lighter shades and use a little bit. Youtube has tons of vids on how to do the perfect smokey eye.

  31. OMG!! You r gorgeous!! The smoky eye look looks okay on you,but i think u would look so much better if u toned the eye makeup down. However, if u still do want 2 go with the smoky eye look, Too Faced brand (they sell it at Sephora) has an excellent eye shadow thing that makes perfect smoky eyes!! Heres the link 2 buy it:

    but b sure 2 buy it in the shooting star color!!!!!!!!!

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