
Does the smoking ban exclude all snooker rooms?

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i seen it somewhere on the internet when the smoking ban first came in on the 1st of july




  1. Public Place = Smoking ban, no exceptions.

    In less of course the snooker room is in the house of commons

  2. I would assume that it includes snooker rooms, because it is a public place. All public places are now smoke free.

  3. cant smoke snooker clubs not allowed

  4. public place in door you can play and smoke outside

  5. If they are indoor yes !! :)

  6. it does

  7. No, as you have employees and members of the public there the ban applies. Maybe now we will be able to see the balls better without that acrid smoke.

  8. The smoking ban INCLUDES all snooker clubs, public or private, the only exception would be a snooker room at home.

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