
Does the space shuttle's clock have to be reset during flight because of its high rate of speed?

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As we approach the speed of light, time slows down. I've heard that the space shuttle and even some fast aircraft like the concord have to have their clocks reset by milliseconds because of the high rate of speed that they fly. Is this true?




  1. It's too tiny an effect to measure.

    In any case, I would expect that like most scientific venues, the main clock is constantly re-set by GPS to GPS time.

  2. No. The shuttle does  not go nearly fast enough to worry about that. Any relativity effect would be so small as it be less than the ability of most clocks to even detect.

  3. dont worry

  4. If the shuttle's clocks did have to be adjusted, it would not be a reset.  Instead, the clocks would be made to run faster by a  tiny bit.

    But the effect is too small to bother with.  Even after a 10-day mission, it would add up to less than 1 millisecond.  The clocks are not that accurate to start with.  Because of the situation with vibration and temperature changes, the clocks are reset every few hours.  But this has nothing to do with the high speed.

  5. The idea of time is relative to the point of return. If you leave New York and land in Los Angeles you need to reset the clocks. If you leave earth and return to earth, you have no need to reset the time keeping devices.

  6. It's only a fraction of a second change.

    The person who was in space more than anyone ever before him (forgot his name) is only a few seconds younger because of it.

  7. The shuttle (and, in fact, any craft ever crafted by man) travels nowhere near fast enough for for the time difference to have any real affect.  Milliseconds are really huge slices of time when you're talking about the very slow speeds of the Concorde or even the space shuttle when compared to the speed of light.  Time differences never come anywhere near that large.


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